Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pop Music and the F word

I know. I'm late to the Seether bandwagon, but the two songs I just got, Remedy and Fake It are just rocking songs. I love the lyrics of Fake It and the Seattle grunge feel to Remedy takes me back. Not sure why I resisted with Seether, maybe it's because I was annoyed that the band has the same name as just an awesome song from Veruca Salt from 1994.

Anyway, at the same time I got the two from Seether, I got Buckcherry's Crazy Bitch. I don't like Buckcherry much as a rule, but I love the song Crazy Bitch. I don't know if it's the riff, or the lyrics, or what, but I just love the song.

Now, Fake It has fscking in it, but Crazy Bitch, well, that song is chock full of fsck.

I ordinarily buy the explicit version of songs almost as much because it annoys me to hear the actual lyrics edited out as any thought that the artists ought to be able to be heard in their original voice. I don't curse much myself, but I don't begrudge an artist their impulse to use colorful language in their lyrics. That being said, there is a lot of fsck in that song Crazy Bitch. But I think it's okay, like I think its okay that there is a bunch of shut in Gwen Stefani's song Hollaback Girl. It's not the pop music that was out when I was a kid and one thing is for sure ...

I'm not letting my son use my iPod.

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